- We Tell Stories – ‘Slice’, by Toby Litt – Part 2 is on – told through blogs and Twitter this time.
- FRBRizing Amazon?s Catalog – ISBNs and Related editions on Amazon and LT. Heavy geek. Ta, Ben.
- GameBoy ebook reader – Anything you can think of, the internet has already provided.
- The B&N Challenge to Publishers | Booksquare – “Visiting a publisher site means being subjected to bad design, bad search, and – yes – bad content. Not a single one of these is forgivable.”
- Wordie – Like Flickr, but without the photos [Via Russell Davies].
- Ponoko: Design and Sell pretty much anything – Mass customisation (the internet as cornucopia machine)
Stop Press for March 25th
March 26, 2008
Thanks for linking to my blog post about FRBR. I also wanted to let you know that I have another project that may be of interest to you:
This project can take any public domain book from various online archives and reprint it in physical form.
Comment by Yakov Shafranovich — March 26, 2008 @ 2:06 am