I’ve been playing with Twitter recently (and if you’re a regular reader, feel free to join me). Initially, I thought it was annoying and intrusive – and it still is – but it’s also such a simple, open and versatile platform, that lots of interesting things can come of it. And nothing gets that much use from people unless it has something going on. Does it?
Some good examples of cool stuff made with Twitter include BBC News Feeds, Weather tracking, and Twitter Tube Updates.
So, in the interest of forcing lit into every crack of the e-ther, I present Swotter: a tool for reading books to Twitter, and through Twitter, to the world.
At the moment, Swotter is reading James Joyce’s Ulysses, line by line, to Twitter and to all booktwo’s friends via the web, IM and SMS. Visit the booktwo twitter page to see what Swotter is up to and do make friends if you’re a twitter user.
If you’d like to know more about Swotter, there’s more information here.
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