Stop Press for November 14th

November 15, 2007

  • Yevgeny Zamyatin – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia – “True literature can only exist when it is created, not by diligent and reliable officials, but by madmen, hermits, heretics, dreamers, rebels and skeptics” Just finished ‘We’. Brilliant stuff.
  • Bookeen Cybook V3 Puts a Soundtrack to Your eBooks [Gizmodo] – “The Bookeen eReader can handle 8,000 page turns in a single charge, an SD slot, RSS reading, and MP3 playback for listening to music while reading.” Looks like a mobile phone, which is where I increasingly feel this is all heading anyway.
  • Typogrify Plugin | i love typography – Ooh. Yes. WordPress plugin for type nuts, including Widows and Orphans support, classes for &s and caps, Smartypants, curly quotes, and more.
  • The Pub Bench (Publisher’s Benchmarking Forum) – “Publishers: compare notes on what’s going on in the market, to help you see how your company is performing, relatively. This is known as benchmarking.” A project of my old employers’, Snowbooks.
  • eagger Blog – I knocked up a website for a friend’s new business recently, and I just wanted to point to it as an example of how companies should blog. It’s not the design, just the enthusiasm of the boss, who’s taken to blogging like a duck to water. Good food too.
  • OLPC: Give One, Get One – If you’re in the US, and you can afford it, this is what you should be doing for Xmas. I would, if either of those things were true…

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