I never met a challenge I didn’t

May 25, 2007

If things have been less busy around here for the last couple of weeks, there’s a reason: I’m moving on from my day job with the lovely Snowbooks, and pursuing other opportunities, with the consequent upheavals. Booktwo isn’t going anywhere though, and neither is Slow Fire – thanks to all who have signed up, and expect to see something in the next few weeks (I’m off to MiniCamp tonight, to see how they do things).

Apologies for the self-promotion, but one of the things I’ll be doing is this: STML Studio,  a design and marketing consultancy helping out publishers and others with, well, whatever they need help with. If that’s you, why not drop me a line.

Publishing is a tough business at the moment, but I continue to believe that we can harness technology to make sure publishers and literature in toto can compete, survive and thrive. I for one am going to see what I can do about that. Don’t go away.

1 Comment

  1. James,

    Sounds exciting. I look forward to seeing your work.
    Good luck with it.

    Comment by Eoin Purcell — May 25, 2007 @ 5:52 pm

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